We Source, Prime Delivers

Household brands Primed to your doorstep

Considering that more Americans have a Prime membership rather than not, it's safe to say that Amazon sets the industry standard.

That's why we let them do what they're best at, and we focus on the product selection that makes people happy to shop through Amazon. 

How do we find deals for Prime?

We find the holes in the market for what is in demand, but where that demand cannot be meet without the bulk quantities that we supply from our partnered brands. This means that our team has to work around the clock to stay on top of the rising demand for the items we have access to through our brand partnerships.

We are constantly expanding our access to products certified as authentic from the brands we stock, and reaching into new markets to keep our store stocked as our supplies fluctuate based on demand. 

How do we ensure product quality?

We ensure quality by sourcing exclusively from well-known brands that meet the customer's expectations, unlike many private label brands that sell on Amazon that have frequent chargebacks and returns due to manufacturing defects. 

How are packages handled?

All of our shipping, handling and customer service is handled through Amazon so that our customers get their packages delivered via their Prime memberships, as expected by most online shoppers.

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941-479-0759  | Monday-Friday 9AM - 5PM EST